Confirmations 2024

Information_about_Confirmation_2024_ktsabuD.docx Download
ADULT_Confirmation_Application_form_GcJZ7fX.docx Download
YOUNG_PEOPLES_Confirmation_Application_form_yHONf51.docx Download
PARENTAL_CONSENT__form_4gfm0x2.docx Download
Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar

Forms to submit are available here by clicking on the links to download the documents once complete please email to Reverend Lesley at [email protected]

All completed application forms from adults and young people are to be submitted to Reverend Lesley by Sunday 25th February.

These can be handed in personally at the services in our churches that day, emailed or posted to her at

The Office at The Refectory,

St Anne’s Church,

583, Wheatley Lane Road, Fence,

BB12 9EE

Preparations for young people will begin online after February half term.

Children 10yrs or over can be confirmed, Parental consent (from both parents) needs to also be submitted.

Reverend Lesley will contact adult candidates to arrange mutually convenient dates and times for preparation.