Morning and Evening Prayer

Every day at for 30 mins
Your own home
Your own home

We are using the Church of England website each day to lead us in morning and evening prayer. Details of the website are given below.

Parish Communion Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Leonard
Church Brow Walton-le-Dale Preston, PR5 4HJ, United Kingdom

We gather to worship God in his holy Word and Sacrament.
Parish Communion Services:

9:15am – 10:15am @ St Leonard’s Church
10:45am – 12:00 noon @ St Aidan’s Church

10:00am – 10:30am @ St Aidan’s Church
7:00pm – 7:30pm @ St Leonard’s Church

Our service of Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
St Leonard
Church Brow Walton-le-Dale Preston, PR5 4HJ, United Kingdom

Our service of Sung Eucharist begins at 9.15 a.m. There is a service sheet provided including copies in large print. We sing hymns at various points throughout the service taking the lead from our choir.
We have a family area where parents and children can sit, to enjoy and join in the service.
There are refreshments after the service. Please stay to have a chat and make friends.

Parish Communion Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Aidan
Station Road Bamber Bridge Preston, PR5 6QL, United Kingdom

We gather to worship God in his holy Word and Sacrament.
Parish Communion Services:

9:15am – 10:15am @ St Leonard’s Church
10:45am – 12:00 noon @ St Aidan’s Church

10:00am – 10:30am @ St Aidan’s Church
7:00pm – 7:30pm @ St Leonard’s Church

Christening Services

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
St Leonard
Church Brow Walton-le-Dale Preston, PR5 4HJ, United Kingdom

Please contact Jeanette Calderbank about organising a Christening
We have Christening services on Sundays, the time to be arranged.
Baptism preparation meetings for all enquiring families take place every second month, the next month is scheduled for mid January. This is followed by a personal meeting with your family.
Please contact Heather Thomas 07934413743

St Patrick's Night Quiz

for 2 hours, 45 mins
St Aidan
Station Road Bamber Bridge Preston, PR5 6QL, United Kingdom
St Leonard
Church Brow Walton-le-Dale Preston, PR5 4HJ, United Kingdom

Friends of the Church of St Leonard (FOCSL) are raising funds to repair, preserve and protect the stained glass windows. The Committee is organising a quiz with a St Patrick's theme, with entertainment, Irish stew, a raffle, the bar will be open so come along and join the fun at the Community Hub next to St Aidan's Church, at 3.30p.m. for a 4p.m. start. Please contact Hilary Anslow 07734267764 or Audrey Jackson 07986632219 to book a ticket costing £12pp

Coffee Morning and Community Larder

Every Monday and Friday at for 2 hours, 30 mins
St Aidan
Station Road Bamber Bridge Preston, PR5 6QL, United Kingdom

The Community Larder is based on the grounds of St Aidan's Church. It offers a wide selection of food items including frozen and refrigerated goods as well as tinned, fresh and dry items at a nominal charge for those on low incomes.
Whilst you await your turn you can enjoy a cuppa and refreshments at our coffee morning in the Community Hub. There is no charge however, we do ask for a donation of whatever you can afford to help cover the costs. Please come and join us and meet new friends.

This service is ongoing as long as there is a need.

Explore the Bible - discover Jesus

Every Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Aidan's Church, Station Road, Bamber Bridge or your own home
St Aidan's Church, Station Road, Bamber Bridge or your own home

A discussion group on Monday evenings 7-8.30p.m. Reading passages from the Bible then through a series of questions, discussing the meaning in a safe, friendly environment via zoom.

Friday mornings 10-11a.m.

Parish Communion Service

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Aidan
Station Road Bamber Bridge Preston, PR5 6QL, United Kingdom

We gather to worship God in his holy Word and Sacrament.
Parish Communion Services:

9:15am – 10:15am @ St Leonard’s Church
10:45am – 12:00 noon @ St Aidan’s Church

10:00am – 10:30am @ St Aidan’s Church
7:00pm – 7:30pm @ St Leonard’s Church

Parish Communion Service

Every Wednesday at for 45 mins
St Leonard
Church Brow Walton-le-Dale Preston, PR5 4HJ, United Kingdom

We gather to worship God in his holy Word and Sacrament.
Parish Communion Services:

9:15am – 10:15am @ St Leonard’s Church
10:45am – 12:00 noon @ St Aidan’s Church

10:00am – 10:30am @ St Aidan’s Church
7:00pm – 7:30pm @ St Leonard’s Church

Service of Said Eucharist

Every Wednesday at for 40 mins
St Leonard
Church Brow Walton-le-Dale Preston, PR5 4HJ, United Kingdom

Our weekly service of Holy Eucharist is held every Wednesday evening.
The Eucharistic service takes the form of a said liturgy, with readings and a sermon.
On the fourth Wednesday we use the Book of Common Prayer for the service.

Messy Church

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 2 hours
Monthly between St Leonard’s and St Aidan’s or in the Community Hub during winter
Monthly between St Leonard’s and St Aidan’s or in the Community Hub during winter, St Leonard’s, Church Brow, Walton le Dale St Aidan’s, Station Road, Bamber Bridge

Messy Church will be held monthly on Sunday afternoons 16.00 to 18.00 alternating between St Leonard's and St Aidan's Churches. However in the winter months it is held in the Community Hub next to St Aidan's Church.
Messy Church is an alternative form of worship involving crafts and sharing food as well as prayers and singing. It is aimed at families with young children in a more informal setting.
The next Messy Church will be held on 2nd February, at St Aidan's Community Hub. It is currently being held on the first Sunday of the month.
To book your place and for more details please contact:
[email protected]

Messy Church

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 2 hours
St Aidan
Station Road Bamber Bridge Preston, PR5 6QL, United Kingdom
St Leonard
Church Brow Walton-le-Dale Preston, PR5 4HJ, United Kingdom

Messy Church is an alternative form of worship aimed at families with young children. There's singing, story telling, craft making, prayers and the sharing of food in an informal atmosphere. Messy Church is held on the first Sunday of the month from 4p.m. to 6p.m. During the winter months we meet in the Community Hub next to St Aidan's Church. During the finer weather we meet alternately at the churches of St Leonard or St Aidan.
If you would like to join us please contact Belinda Hornby, [email protected]

Easter Bingo

for 2 hours, 15 mins
St Aidan
Station Road Bamber Bridge Preston, PR5 6QL, United Kingdom

This is a great opportunity to come along, have some fun and win an Easter Egg or other Easter related prize. The bingo books will be available at £1 for one book or £5 for five books and a flyer. A family friendly event please join in.

Palm Sunday Eucharist

for 1 hour

We commemorate Jesus' triumphant journey into Jerusalem as the start of our Holy Week services with a service of Holy Communion (Eucharist). waving palm leaves and processing into church to resemble the journey of Christ. The services are at both churches at their usual times of 9.15a.m. at St Leonard's and 10.45 a.m. at St Aidan's.

Licensing of The Rev'd Stephen Martin

for 2 hours
St Aidan
Station Road Bamber Bridge Preston, PR5 6QL, United Kingdom

The Rev'd Stephen Martin will be joining us as our new incumbent. His Licensing will take place on 27th April, 6.30p.m. at St Aidan's church with refreshments afterwards in the Community Hub. The Bishop of Burnley will be conducting this service which formally appoints Rev'd Stephen as our new incumbent.
We are looking forward to welcoming Rev'd Stephen and his wife, Mandy, and three daughters, Gracie, Niamh and Erin

VE celebration

for 5 hours, 15 mins
St Aidan
Station Road Bamber Bridge Preston, PR5 6QL, United Kingdom

On 8th May, 2025 it will be 80 years since the end of the 2nd World War in Europe. although the war with Japan continued until 15th August, we are celebrating VE Day on Sunday, 11th May. There will be a joint service at St Aidan's church starting at the usual time of 10.45a.m. People are asked to bring their own packed lunch to have after the service in the Community Hub, refreshments will be available including a celebration cake.
There will be entertainment, memorabilia to look at and you can come dressed in Forties style outfits. There's no charge for this event.