Facilities and features


Baby Changing Facilities
Car Park / Parking Available

We have an accessible toilet in our church hall.

We have two dedicated disabled car parking spaces.

Ramped entrance
Hearing (induction) Loop

We have large print versions of our 10:00 Sunday Service sheet available each week.

Assistance dogs are welcome at all times including during our Services.

The Magic Moments Memory singing group meets in church on Tuesday mornings at 10:30.
Contact Skylarks on 07538 580296 for further details.

Our church and (attached) hall are accessible by wheelchair. Access to the church entrance is via a ramp and access to the church hall is flat.

Our Building

See Green Church section of this website

Music and Worship

A variety of concerts are held in church, please see our newsletter for further details.
The St Leonard’s Gilbert and Sullivan Group meet on Fridays at 7:30. Please email [email protected] for further information.

The St Leonard's organ is a two-manual electrically-operated pipe organ. Each manual is 5 octaves, and the pedal board is 2½
octaves. There are six programmable pistons on each manual. The stops and couplers are as follows:

Bourdon 16', Open Diapason 8', Bass Flute 8', Fifteenth 4', Flute 4', Trumpet 8'
[Swell to Pedal], [Great to Pedal]

Open Diapason 8', Flute 8', Salicional 8', Octave 4', Fifteenth 2', Mixture 3 Rks, Trumpet 8'
[Swell to Great]

Principal 8', Flute 8', Salicional 8' , Gemshorn 8', Gemshorn 4', Principal 4', Flute 4', Nazard 2⅔, Fifteenth 2', Larigot 1⅓,
Mixture 3 Rks, Double Trumpet 16', Trumpet 8', Clarion 4'

St Leonard’s has an RSCM-affiliated robed SATB choir. The choir sings each Sunday at the 10am service.

The choir (mid-teen-to-adult) practise on Thursdays in church at 6:45

For further information, contact Diane on 07747 004628

Groups, Courses and Activities

Boosh After-School Club is held on Monday to Thursday.
For further details please call Fiona on 07890 502966

We are associated with the 9th Penwortham (St Leonard’s) Scout Group who meet at the Scout Hut on Hill Road South.

Brownies meet in St Leonard’s Hall on Tuesday evenings.
Please contact Sinead (Brownies) on 07905 865513 for further details.

Talking Tables and Chatting Chairs is held monthly on a Tuesday afternoon. It is a chance to meet with others, to chat, play games and eat cake!
Everyone is welcome, just come along. You can find the date of the next one in the Services and Events section of this website.

We are associated with the 9th Penwortham (St Leonard’s) Scout Group who meet at the Scout Hut on Hill Road South.

Crafts, games, worship and food for all the family particularly the younger ones.
Held quarterly on a Saturday morning at 10:00. The date of the next one can be found in Services and Events section of this website. members.

Rainbows meet in St Leonard’s Hall on Tuesday Evenings
Please contact Jan on 07905 141531 for further details.

We are associated with the 9th Penwortham (St Leonard’s) Scout Group who meet at the Scout Hut on Hill Road South.

Help for Visitors

Free wifi

Other Features


We support the Penwortham Churches Together Food Bank. This is open every Friday morning between 9:30 and 12:00 at the Community Centre. Gift of non-perishable goods are always most welcome and can be left in church.

We have a large and small hall that are available for hire. The large hall is 21x 8.5m and can hold up to 200 people. The small hall is 6 x 3.3m and can hold up to 32 people. A well equipped kitchen is also available.

Please note that we do not take bookings for private parties.

For further enquiries or to make a booking please contact Philip Walsh on 01772 745409