St James Players

Every Friday at for 2 hours
St James
Moss Lane Lostock Hall, PR5 5BQ, United Kingdom

St James Players are an amateur drama group. We stage around 3 productions per year, including an annual pantomime each January. We are always on the look out for new members of our company - and of our audience. We rehearse most Friday evenings plus some Sunday afternoons.

Messy Church

In February, March, April, June, September, November, December. Every Third Saturday at for 2 hours
St James
Moss Lane Lostock Hall, PR5 5BQ, United Kingdom

Join us for a mixture of crafts and activities followed by a story, song, and shared food.
6 times per year. Saturday 3-5pm in the church hall
Contact us for dates.

Sunday Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St James
Moss Lane Lostock Hall, PR5 5BQ, United Kingdom

Join us for our regular weekly service of holy communion. You will be assured of a warm welcome. Everyone welcome. New family area for those with young children. This is a choral service with hymns and choir. Refreshments are available in the hall after the service.
Around 6 times per year it will take the form of an ‘all-age’ service and church parade when we are joined by members of our uniformed groups - contact us for dates

Toddler Group

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St James
Moss Lane Lostock Hall, PR5 5BQ, United Kingdom

A pre-school group for toddlers and parents/carers, with a Christian ethos. Toys and activities. Refreshments. All welcome

Said Mass

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
St James
Moss Lane Lostock Hall, PR5 5BQ, United Kingdom

This is a short said service to which all are welcome.
Whilst Fr. Matthew is on sick leave there will be no midweek services

Community Coffee Morning

Every Thursday at for 2 hours
St James
Moss Lane Lostock Hall, PR5 5BQ, United Kingdom

Join for friendship, fellowship - and cake (and tea/coffee and fruit toast) - every Thursday morning between 10am and 12noon in the hall. Including a ‘Talking Tables’ table, and local history table, plus on the 1st week of the month a surgery with local councillors. No charge - but donations welcome.

Choir practice

Every Thursday at for 1 hour
St James
Moss Lane Lostock Hall, PR5 5BQ, United Kingdom

Do you enjoy singing? Do you want to help us praise God through the medium of music? St James choir rehearse most Thursdays 7.00-8.00pm in church, and lead the singing each Sunday at the 9am service, plus other special events. If you’d like to join us, come along or speak to any member of the choir.