Sunday 4 O'clock LIVE

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
St John's
Leyland Lane (opposite Tesco Express) Leyland Preston, PR25 1XB, United Kingdom

This short and accessible service is a great introduction to church for the whole family. Lasting around 45 minutes, all ages worship together with contemporary music, relevant & engaging Bible teaching, and interactive prayers. Most weeks we end with a simple tea that all are welcome to stay for.

Come along and join us!

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St John's

We are a welcoming Evangelical church in the north-west of Leyland with opportunities to join in Monday through to Sunday. 

Get in touch

Reverend Andy Meeson (Vicar)

St John's House
Leyland Lane

PR25 1XB
01772 623483

Our website

What's on

Sunday 4 O'clock LIVE

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
St John's
Leyland Lane (opposite Tesco Express) Leyland Preston, PR25 1XB, United Kingdom

This short and accessible service is a great introduction to church for the whole family. Lasting around 45 minutes, all ages worship together with contemporary music, relevant & engaging Bible teaching, and interactive prayers. Most weeks we end with a simple tea that all are welcome to stay for.

Come along and join us!

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Everyday faith

Discover how we can support you to find and follow God in your everyday life.

St John's Charity No. 1175098