About Us

We are a thriving village Church, with lots of young families and children. We have a large Sunday school that meet in the Church hall and a successful day school. We have a Rector.

We have a strong Ladies Fellowship, a 'Young at Heart' group and uniformed organisations. We are a socially active church, making sure that those less fortunate in our community are fed and looked after. We have an active visiting programme which caters for those in need and Holy Communion is taken into the Residential Home, housed in the Old Rectory, next door to the Church. We contribute generously to Food Banks and support the work of the The Friendship Foundation, an anti-slavery and anti-trafficking initiative. The founder of this group is a retired Minister who is a member of our Church.

We are a happy worshipping community which holds high The Holy Communion which is said and is the main focus of our worship. Our Preaching and Teaching is Evangelical.

We use Book of Common Prayer for Holy Communion in our early services and Common Worship, modern language, for our 10.30am services, except on the 3rd Sunday when we have a family and parade service at that time.

 Our Old Church which dates from the 1740's is still consecrated and we use it on Old Church Sunday. It is under the care of the Churches Conservation Trust. A most able group of volunteers from the village looks out for the building and organises events there.

If you wish to join us, you will be made most welcome.