Parish Profile

The parish consists of a total population of approximately 1600, with the church set midway between the villages of Wrightington and Heskin.

We are a welcoming church with an aim to reach all areas of the community and to provide something for everyone.

Sunday School is a thriving unit and the congregation is made up of a good mix of age ranges.

Our Mothers Union is very active and has a regular following with an interesting and informative monthly meeting. They have a party once a year for their Indoor Members and take part in Women’s World Day of Prayer with other churches in the surrounding area. Their main fund raiser is a Strawberry Fair held in July which is always well attended by both men and women with an interesting speaker or presentation. An active year ends with a Christmas Party with “Jacob’s Join” supper and of course our celebrated cakes.

Sunday School is held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays in the Church Hall during the 10.30am service in term time, with an interactive service on the 2nd Sunday (without communion). They follow the “Roots” weekly programme which is linked to the readings allocated for the Sunday services. There is generally some craft involved to highlight the Christian message which is brought over for a “Show and Tell” at the end of the service. Average attendance at present is 15. There are a number of dedicated young teachers and Sunday School has a large following who greatly enjoy performing their Nativity for the whole congregation in the run up to Christmas. A Toy Service is held on the second Sunday in December with all the toys being sent to the local Barnados Children’s Charity.

Play & Praise parent and toddler Group is held each Wednesday morning in the church hall from 10.00am to 12.00 noon. This was established and is run by the Mothers Union and offers a playgroup for children under school age and their parents to come and meet together for a social time. The vicar calls into say hello most weeks to tell a simple story and share<span style="font-size: 1rem;"> a song or two before toast!</span>

