Children's Nativity Service

for 1 hour
St George's
St George's Street Chorley, PR7 2AA, United Kingdom

Fun for all the family with children acting out the Christmas story.

St George's

A very warm welcome to St George's page. Please do come and visit us, you will be made very welcome, whether you're a Christian or you're just interested in finding out more.

Get in touch

The Revd Michael Print

St George's Vicarage
Letchworth Place

01257 263064

Our website

What's on

Children's Nativity Service

for 1 hour
St George's
St George's Street Chorley, PR7 2AA, United Kingdom

Fun for all the family with children acting out the Christmas story.


Safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults is the responsibility of everyone. The Church of England believes that the care and protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults involved in church activities is the responsibility of the whole Church. Everyone who participates in the life of the Church has a role to play in promoting a Safer Church for all.

Our safeguarding policy is based on the Church of England's five foundations and offers six overarching safeguarding policy commitments:

Promoting a safer environment and culture
Safely recruiting and supporting all those with any responsibility related to children, young people and vulnerable adults within the church
Responding promptly to every safeguarding concern or allegation
Caring pastorally for victims/survivors of abuse and other affected persons
Caring pastorally for those who are the subject of concerns or allegations of abuse and other affected persons
Responding to those that may pose a present risk to others
This policy applies to all church bodies and Church Officers. Full understanding of, and adherence to, this policy should lead to a deepening in the understanding of, and respect for the rights of children, young people and vulnerable adults as people of faith in the life of the Church.

If you have immediate concerns for someone’s safety, contact the police on 999 and your local authority’s children or adult social care services.

Parish safeguarding adviser is Dr Victoria Gibson and she can be contacted at:

M: 07921 010 900

E: [email protected]

The diocesan safeguarding advisor Cath Smith can be contacted at:

M: 07711 485170

E: [email protected]

St George's Charity No. 1130528