Baptisms at Christ Church

We are delighted that you are considering having your child baptised at Christ Church. The birth of a child is something that is always a cause of great joy and celebration, and it is right that, in a Christian context, the child is brought to God's Church for Baptism, or Christening as it is sometimes known. At Christ Church, we conduct baptisms on a Sunday afternoon, usually the 3rd Sunday of the month, and so, in order to make a booking, we ask that parents come along to our Sunday service at 8.45am, to see what we do, and to enable you to be familiar with us. When you come along, please have a conversation with one of the clergy, and we will be able to arrange a meeting to put the firm booking in the diary.

Baptism preparation takes place periodically, when we invite a number of families to gather together to think about the promises that you will make on behalf of your child, and what it means for a child to be baptised into the family of the Church. Our aim is to make this session fun and informative, and we will have the opportunity to walk through the service as a sort of 'rehearsal', so that you will be comfortable with what will happen on your child's big day.

If you require further information, please don't hesitate to be in touch with one of the Churchwardens, or to have a word with someone at any of the services during the week.

You can also get information on Christenings in the Church of England here.