Welcome to worship during September 2022. In this news item there are links to services sheets, notices and more

Sunday 11th September 2022 at 9am, a service of prayer and reflection. Remembering her majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Sunday 11th September 2022 at 10.30am, a service of Holy Communion during the period of mourning for her majesty Queen Elizabeth II


The September Brindle Voice is produced by church and full of community news, ideas for our Little Cuckoos, an Autumn Hymn, the Brindle Parish Council minutes and more.
Thank you for all of your contributions


Thank you for all your contributions to the July Brindle Voice bumper edition for summer 2022. Take a peek and share the link in this news item.

Items for the September Brindle Voice by 21st August 2022 please: [email protected]

Notices Church_news Community_news