We are blessed! The joy of Brindle St. James’ CE Primary ‘Ba Ba Bethlehem’ performance, the generosity of those we visited with a faithful band of carollers, the good number to church services over Christmas as we all received ministry...

Church_news From_the_Vicar

As we prepare for the arrival and the birth of Jesus Christ on Christmas day there are special services, two evenings of carol singing, a coffee morning, a party for all young people with their friends and families...

christmas Church_news

In October we held harvest services, a games night, Festival of Baptism and a fitting tribute to Ian Whyte with our love and prayers. November starts with a challenge to us all to Remember. Please also hold confirmation candidates in prayers

From_the_Vicar Church_news

The giving in grace preaching series during October and a look back at September 2019. We remember Will Charnley and his family in our prayers. And we give thanks for Lostock Hall Brass Band, our Sunday School, and our incredible team of volunteers.
