Our Archbishops have published a letter, commemorating the 100,000 lives lost to the pandemic. Starting on 1 February 2021 they invite us all to set aside time every evening to pray


Your prayers are effective. Silent or otherwise, God will hear! Join a prayer vigil today Tues. 19th Jan. 7pm to 8pm. No zoom nor livestream. Simply a group of Christians who promise to pray for the same intentions, on the same day, at the same time.


As the line of people starts to grow at the Over Darwen foodbank today, our prayers and thanks for the generous response to the appeal this week


At the start of 2021, we pray for a year of peace and blessing (in life, sport!). We share news from Over Darwen, encourage Little Cuckoos to make new year resolutions, and give thanks for the contributors who support our much-loved community.

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