Dear friends, the Brindle Voice February 2023

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Dear friends,

In this Brindle Voice February 2023 edition we reflect on the fun at our Christingle Service, ponder how St Valentine’s Day on 14th February gives us a wonderful opportunity to celebrate love and we start to think ahead about Lent by asking, ‘what is Lent going to be for?’ This Lent we’re offering the Lectio 4-part course. Each session includes a 15 minute video, which we’ll watch together. Look out for details coming soon.

Sunday School will be hosting their next Board Game Evening on Saturday March 11th, 5.30 - 8.00pm. 

Confirmation classes are set to take place on Thursday evenings at 7.00pm, starting on Thursday 16th March. 

There is a reminder about how to give your offertory donations online via our money matters page.

And there are are updates from the Brindle Parish Council, Brindle Historical society as well as community events and local businesses. 

Thank you to everyone for your contributions.