A Positive Impact on Our Mission and Ministry, February 2020

Church_news From_the_Vicar Lent News_about_our_building

Dear Friends,

I wish to bring to your attention the decisions taken at the meeting of the Parochial Church Council on the 13th January. These decisions will have a positive impact on our mission and ministry here at Brindle St. James.

Giving in Grace.

The Parochial Church Council agreed to give full support to a re-badge as Growing in Grace to remove the focus from financial giving to the holistic approach and sole intent of Giving in Grace. So, when we often speak of a lack of…….. we will speak of God’s abundance and generosity.

The Frequency of Parochial Church Council (PCC) Meetings.

The Parochial Church Council agreed to hold 5 meetings during the year and that Team Brindle would meet during the alternate months.

Patterns of Ministry.

It was noted that one of the impacts of Rev. Margaret being off for a prolonged period is that if David was to become unavailable - at short notice – there isn’t anyone to consecrate the elements at the Eucharist. Whilst there are clergy who are able to ‘step-in’ given reasonable notice to provide the priestly role, they may not be available at short notice.

To mitigate the impact we will hold a Service of The Word in lieu of the 10.30am Eucharist on the first Sunday of the month and adopt Canon 14A (Canon Law is the Churches set of rules and regulations governing how services are conducted) which allows, IN EXTREMIS, the Rector with the PCC, to not have at least one Eucharist each Sunday.

The PCC agreed to hold a ‘Café Church’ at 10.30am in church on the 1st March and at 9.15am in the Community Hall on the 8th March – more details below.

During Lent, the church will open at 7pm and Evening Prayer will be said. All are welcome to just come along. There will be no ‘Lent Series’ as in previous years. The bible readings and talks during the Sunday services will be structured to the Lenten season.

And Practical Issues.

It was noted that 400 attended the Nativity service on Christmas Eve. Whilst this is a source of encouragement, it created a significant hazard. Access and egress for emergency services would have been challenged. The PCC agreed to consider 2020 arrangements for this service so that the hazard is eliminated in a manner that is conducive to Brindle St. James’ being a ‘welcoming church’!

The PCC agreed to begin the faculty application process to provide a few changes including: A wheelchair sanctuary on the LHS of the main aisle. A sustainable heating system. Replacement of the Lych Gate - due to evidence of rot in the timber - with the same details and features of the existing gate.

To satisfy the requirements of our insurers, we are advised to replace the lock to the outer door. An audit will be taken of essential key holders to ensure sufficient keys are available.

Positive Outcomes.

Change is a challenge and must not be introduced just for the sake of it, however I sense we have changes that will benefit and enrich our worship. Your prayers are valued………….

So, what is a café church? Well, this could be classed as a fresh expression of church. 

At Brindle it will mean those attending the 10.30am service on the 1st March will be greeted with tea and coffee which they can take and sit in the pew and chat before the service. The liturgy will be the Service of The Word and will be structured to reflect Growing In Grace. After worship, another brew will be available and I encourage all to participate. 

At the Parade service in The Community Hall on the 8th March, again a brew will be available to you as you arrive and there will be a very relaxed service which will encourage a sharing of views and opinions – not just about the matches played on the Saturday – we might even talk about our faith journey!!

What you can be sure of is the usual warm welcome and my assurance that you will not be taken out of your comfort zone.

I look forward to our journey through Lent which starts on Ash Wednesday, 26th February 2020. A service of Holy Communion will be held at 7.30pm in church. All warmly welcomed.

Blessings to you all at this time.
