Happy New Year and Decade!

Church_news From_the_Vicar

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year and Decade!

What a joy to watch the infants of Brindle St. James’ Primary School perform ‘Ba Ba Bethlehem. There was real joy in their faces and this year the reception children had speaking parts! How all the infants remembered their lines and spoke so clearly is a testament to the staff, together with the support of parents. They followed this with the Christingle in church, and the full congregation were treated to a quite atmospheric service. We are blessed with such a talented and hardworking staff team.

The beneficiaries of the carol singing are Nightsafe - the charity supporting the homeless in the 16 to 24 age group. Thanks to the generosity of those we visited and the faithful band of carollers (including a man in a red suit and bushy white beard and his trusted helper) we raised £438.00 which was handed to a very grateful Nightsafe team on the 23rd December. The weather was mixed and varied between rain and heavy rain; however, when we recognised who would benefit from the effort, the rain didn’t deter us.

The services over the Christmas period attracted a good number to church. They received ministry from the choir, bell-ringers readers and catering team. The tasteful decorations were much admired. I must add my deepest thanks to all – and you know who you are - who in any way contributed to the worship over all the services. Many would have been seen or heard; however, there are others whose work is in the background yet, equally valued.

The Text for 2020, on the parish card, is John Ch. 13 verses 34 and 35: Jesus said, “A new command I give to you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another”.

In a simple yet profoundly challenging command from Jesus, we are invited to respect the diverse opinions of others. Treat each other as we would wish to be treated applies to the corporate as well as individual; in the workplace, church and community. The model that we can follow is that of Jesus Himself, whose love for each one of us was total and sacrificial. May we be challenged by this command as we journey on in varied relationships. May the leaders of our nation and community take heed of this command.

When you read this edition, we will have moved into a new decade. The media have already picked up on this and inviting people to offer their ‘moment of the decade’ or ‘the best sporting moment of the decade’ and many more iterations. As we look back over the first decade of the 21st century, we do so with mixed emotions. As we look ahead to the next decade may we be assured that ‘The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness……’(Lamentations Ch 3 v 22&23)

This news items will appear in the January edition of Brindle Voice and will be the first produced and compiled by Alison Bond. On your behalf, I thank Alison for her willingness to take on this task to allow Linda a well-deserved sabbatical.

Finally, I am pleased to announce that Sue Boult has accepted the invitation to be the Deanery President of the Mothers Union. A well - deserved accolade for Sue and our branch.

Finally, I, together with Brenda, Lois, Lucy, Charlie and Sebastian, offer our warmest thanks for your cards and gifts received over the Christmas Season. We extend our love and prayers for your continued support.
