How are you celebrating the meaning of Advent and Christmas?

How are you celebrating Advent and Christmas? Join in with other churches as we share and care for others. As Jesus received gifts, so we can give to others this year   Our #AtTheHeartofChristmas calendar of services and events is now live!

At the 6.30pm service on Wednesday 24th November 2021, Lisa Fenton came along to reflect upon the meaning of Advent. She also expressed thanks to the Brindle folk for the continuing support for the Over Darwen parish foodbank and reminded us of the challenges in the coming weeks.

When asked to suggest items that would be especially welcome, Lisa mentioned:

Beans. Tinned veg. Tined meat. Pasta. Pasta sauces. Toilet rolls. Toiletries. Cereals. Treats such as mince pies, chocolate, squash drinks, jam, and perhaps pet food. 

There are 61 households who benefit.

Lots of our congregation have given money too and some have been kind enough to set up regular giving, which helps them purchase fresh foods. They rely heavily on donations and Christmas is a difficult time for many people.

Whatever our kind generous folk feel able to give will be very much appreciated.