October 2019 Giving in Grace


Giving in Grace
We start October 2019 with a giving in grace preaching series based on passages from Luke's Gospel with reflections on Chapter 18 - The Rich Ruler, Chapter 12 - The Rich Fool, Chapter 19 - Zacchaeus and Chapter 21 The Widow's Mite. I encourage you all to join in worship.

William Charnley
Looking back to September, the month began with the sad news of the death of William Charnley. The attendance at the memorial service reflected Will's standing in both the local community and business community. We offer our continued prayers and support to Dorothy and the family. Will was generous in many ways and this parish has benefited from his virtue.

Open Air Service
To celebrate the start of the new term, our open air service is always a welcoming open invitation to everyone, young and older! This year our singing was led by the Lostock Hall Brass Band and what a fine job they did! My warmest thanks to the team of volunteers who ensured the event was inclusive and welcoming.

Charity Shoot
The Charity Clay Shoot during September continues to be a significant fund raiser for the parish and for this we must express heartfelt thanks to Bill Nelson AND the incredible team of helpers on the catering, fund raising and technical side. My thanks to all who supported the event.

Brindle St. James becomes Contactless
At the meeting of the PCC in September it was agreed to trial the use of Contactless Payments for those who attend Baptisms and Weddings. The equipment will be purchased in the coming weeks and the system reviewed on a regular basis.

With every blessing as we journey on in His Name guided by The Holy Spirit.

Much love,
