Dear Friends,
Here we are in September 2019! A time I often view as a month of transformation.
I have been chatting to parents whose children are starting primary school - the day when 'that' photograph is taken - crisp, smart uniform worn with a mixture of smiles and apprehension and the photographer with a tear in the eye.
Of equal significance is the photograph taken when children head off for the first day at High School. There are tears, but also the realisation that the one who we gave roots to grow will soon have wings to fly.
Higher education is a significant leap forward, often requiring a move out of the family home and setting up in student accommodation.
For some, it is the start of working life in many shapes and sizes - Higher education is not for everyone - we are all different with differing skill sets. We need young adults to take up the opportunity of workplace training and by so doing fulfil their abundant potential.
I believe that within each young person, there is a God-Given gift and we look to parents, educators and others who work with young people to stimulate and identify individual gifts.
And what of those who work tirelessly in youth organisations - uniformed and non-uniformed? They make great personal sacrifices. Let me take this opportunity to encourage those who may look to use their time and talents to work in our uniformed organisations to get in touch. You will be warmly received.
As we consider transformation, please uphold in your prayers the Rev. Hannah Boyd, husband Stephen and children Grace and Olivia. On the 1st September Hannah will have been instituted and inducted as Vicar in plurality of Higher Walton All Saints and Hoghton Holy Trinity. Prayers too for our dear friends in both parishes as they prepare for a time of transformation.
Transformation should be viewed as a purely human emotion. The apostle Paul writes to the church in Rome (Romans 12 v2) 'And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.'
We are in times of transformation. We seek God's will in all that we do here at St.James'. The Christian faith is dynamic and constantly seeking God's will to transform the church and our lives.
Over the coming months, there will be a need to look at a wide range of issues from the stability of the walls surrounding the church yard to Giving in Grace. Sandwiched in between are patterns of ministry, managing growth and communications.
Nothing that should cause us anxiety if we seek God's will and use Paul's words to guide us.
Much love,