August 2019 - a busy month behind us and busy time ahead!

From_the_Vicar Church_news

On the 7th July our Walk of Witness was very well supported by all parts of the Parish Community. We began, as ever, from the school playground. This year we were accompanied by The Brindle Band who provided splendid support and played with a good wholesome tone. We headed off to Smithy Close to be greeted by flag waving residents who made us feel very welcome. Thank you to those patient farmers and others who experienced a short delay to their journey.

Upon our return to the church we were greeted by the Youth Council and then led by the Sunday School who read the scriptures, prayed and reminded us of the value of friendship. Thank you to the children and their leaders.

It is always a joy to Baptise and this month, eight children have been able to welcome their families and God Parents to their baptism.

Three weddings have taken place and again, such a privilege to journey with the couple as they prepare for this special day in their lives. I always reflect that the ceremony is over within an hour, yet, there is so much to capture in that hour.

Sadly, we have conducted two funerals, those of Alec Grice and Neil Burgess. They are much loved and will be missed by family, parish and community. May they rest in peace and rise in glory.

May I take this opportunity to thank the truly amazing team who support our Occasional Services. Their contribution is quiet, very effective and valued.

Our primary school held the Leavers Presentation – a cracking show this year – and then the Leavers Assembly. These are a blend of sadness and joy. Sadness that 10 of our children have finished their primary education, yet great joy at being able to see what fine children they are and a real credit to the school and their families.

Looking ahead

Confirmation 2019 is on Sunday 17th November at 6.30pm. Bishop Philip is to be the confirming Bishop. There is a notice in church and I warmly invite those who wish to be confirmed and fulfil the criteria to enter their name on to the form. Classes commence in church on Monday 9th September at 6.30pm and will conclude by 7.45pm.

Our open air service this year will be held on the 15th September. You are invited to arrive at 10.30am for refreshments and the service which commences at 11am. BBQ to follow around 12 noon. We will be launching our Giving In Grace Campaign at that service.

So, as I head off to the Northumberland Coast for a short break with the family (Lois is unable to join us due to Parish commitments – the joy of curacy!) you all continue to be in my heart, mind and prayers. I am particularly mindful of those who are receiving treatment and those for whom treatment is not possible. Blessings to you and your families.

Much Love,
