Thu 30th May 7.30pm Corpus Christi Sung Mass at St Lawrence's

for 1 hour
St Lawrence's Church
St Lawrence's Church, Union St, Chorley, PR7 1EB, United Kingdom

This year, we have been invited to Join the congregation of St Lawrence's, Chorley for a Sung Mass as we mark Corpus Christi, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. In this service we celebrate the fact that even though Jesus is no longer bodily present in the world, he is always with us through the Eucharist. Ask Fr Graeme for further details, and if you need transport.

Adlington St Paul's

Welcome!  We are a busy church at the heart of Adlington, Anderton and Heath Charnock. Please explore our page. If you have any questions, please contact the Vicar or the Churchwardens.

All are welcome to worship. Service times:

Sunday Masses: 8.00am Said; 10.30am Sung

Weekday Masses: Tuesdays 7pm; Wednesdays 9.30am; Thursdays 12.15pm; Fridays 8am.

Saints' Days and Holy Days as announced

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Get in touch

Fr Graeme Buttery

[email protected]

St Paul’s Vicarage
Railway Road

01257 431579
07952 333153

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What's on

Thu 30th May 7.30pm Corpus Christi Sung Mass at St Lawrence's

for 1 hour
St Lawrence's Church
St Lawrence's Church, Union St, Chorley, PR7 1EB, United Kingdom

This year, we have been invited to Join the congregation of St Lawrence's, Chorley for a Sung Mass as we mark Corpus Christi, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. In this service we celebrate the fact that even though Jesus is no longer bodily present in the world, he is always with us through the Eucharist. Ask Fr Graeme for further details, and if you need transport.