St Paul’s prepares for Lent

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Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the church’s season of Lent, where we walk with Jesus as he enters the Wilderness for forty days and forty nights, before entering his own city to offer us a share in his resurrection life through his death on the cross. 

At St Paul’s, we will mark this day with a full programme of services, setting the whole day aside for prayer and fasting. 

0830   Morning Prayer 

0900   Confessions 

0930   Mass with Imposition of Ashes

1200   Midday Prayer 

1215   Confessions 

1400   School Mass

1700   Evening Prayer 

1730   Confessions 

1800   Prayers before the Blessed Sacrament 

1900   Sung Mass with Imposition of Ashes 

2100   Night Prayer (Compline)

Throughout Lent there will be opportunities for us to grow in the faith. Our Lent Course this year will be based on the film The Way, taking place on Thursdays in the Vicarage from 7.00 to 9.00 pm. Stations of the Cross will take place on Fridays in Church at 6.30 pm, and Fr David will be available to hear confessions after the Wednesday and Saturday masses, or at other times by appointment. 

Lent is traditionally a rime when we examine our lives and confess our sins to him, assured of his promise of forgiveness. For more information on the practice of sacramental Confession, please speak to Fr David.