Hundreds Gather to Celebrate Christmas

christmas Church_news From_the_Vicar

Worshippers from across Adlington gathered in the early evening of Christmas Eve to celebrate St. Paul’s Christingle, Crib Service and Children’s mass. Children of all ages took part in the Service by reading and helping out in the building of the traditional Crib Scene during the mass, and then Fr David United then to open a large, impressive present, found under the enormous tree. 

The present contained Brussels sprouts, which disappointed the children (though they had some fun in sharing them around the church!) Fr David then used to explain the good news that the most amazing present to be offered this Christmas was not to be found in a neatly wrapped package, but was to be found in a humble manger. It is, of course, the child Jesus, born for each of us. 

After communion, everyone was invited to collect a Christingle Orange, representing the light of Jesus shining on our world, and we sang the traditional carol Silent Night, while the lights in the church were dimmed. A video of this can be found here.

Later in the evening we gathered again for the Midnight Mass, where we heard the message of the angel to the shepherds and were challenged to welcome the Christ-child into our hearts this Christmas through our witness to all in society, especially the most vulnerable. 

We look forward to continuing the celebrations on Christmas morning, and wish all our readers a happy, holy and blessed Christmas.