St Paul's gathers for Carol Service

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The people of Adlington were able to get into the mood for Christmas as St Paul's celebrated their annual Carol Service on Sunday evening.  Church was comfortably full for the service, which began in candlelight, with each member of the congregation holding their own candles.

There then followed a sequence of readings telling the story of our salvation, including the traditional Christmas readings of the Angel Gabriel giving Mary the message she would give birth to God's Son; the Birth of Jesus, and the visit of Shepherds to see the infant king laid in the manger.  The service culminated in the glorious reading from St John's Gospel of the Incarnation of the Word of God (John 1.1-14).

The service allowed congregation members their first glimpse of the large Christmas Tree, kindly donated to St Paul's by United Utilities, and the Porch Crib Scene, on loan from Hollybrook @ St Paul's.  Following the service, fellowship was shared over a welcome glass of mulled wine and a mince pie or two!  

We are looking forward to a full programme of Christmas services in the week ahead.  All are welcome to join us at any of the services:

Tuesday 24 December - Christmas Eve

6.00 pm: Christingle, Crib Service and Children's Mass

11.30 pm: The Midnight Mass

Wednesday 25 December - Christmas Day

8.00 am: Said Mass

10.30 am: Mass with Christmas Carols