Advent begins at St Paul’s Family Mass

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Sunday 1 December marked the beginning of Advent for 2919, and St Paul’s did this in style, with a family Mass, in which our school was heavily involved. In addition, it was wonderful to welcome Bishop John Goddard, formerly Bishop of Burnley,  to celebrate this mass for us. 

During the mass, children from the school read the first reading and led us in prayer, as well as  offering a presentation on the meaning of Advent, which was thought-provoking and challenged all of ya as we begin our journey toward Christmas. In addition, reflecting on the a gospel reading, From Matthew 24.37-44, Fr David challenge us to remain alert as we await the coming of Jesus in power and great glory. 

As we journey through Advent, we are offered a number of opportunities to prepare our hearts and minds for the coming of Jesus. Let us use these opportunities, in order that we might be ready to great him when he comes, and that we might take our place in his kingdom.