Worship for 18th July

This Sunday is the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The links for this week are below:

There will be no 8.00am Mass in Church or online this week.

9.30am Sunday Worship via Zoom.

Click https://us02web.zoom.us/j/408885561

10.30am Mass in Church

Any time: Worship at Home

Click: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Uf2_7KmuspdKNragsbwCAa89L_04zsHR/view?usp=sharing

To donate to St Paul’s to support us in our work, please click https://tinyurl.com/DonatetoStPauls

Last week, we made a request to consider prayerfully giving to help our church’s financial situation. Here is a link to the document: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k9thNcc0HniO8d5A_r-zu1OXxIqAVe_p/view?usp=sharing Please continue to think about, and act upon this.