Hundreds gather for Primary Visitation

It was wonderful to welcome Bishop Julian, together with Archdeacons Mark and Michael, and Area Deans and Lay Chairs from Blackburn with Darwen and Leyland, together with our own Deanery for tonight's Primary Visitation service.  During the service, Churchwardens were sworn into office, and received their staffs from one of the Archdeacons, or the Bishop himself, together with a brief moment of prayer for them as they begin their new year's term.  In addition, Vision Champions were commissioned for a three-year term, as they seek to work with the clergy and lay leadership of their parishes to implement the Diocesan Vision 2026.

During his Charge and Sermon, Bishop Julian launched his Bible Challenge, encouraging all Christians across the diocese to engage with the Bible, and to ensure that we have a bank of resources to base our faith upon.  He reminded us that the Bible was for all traditions across the Church, and quoted Pope Francis, who has spoken of his well-worn Bible as his greatest treasure, being with him for over half his life, supporting and encouraging him in his ministry.

The Collection at the Service was in aid of the Bible Society, which seeks to bring God's Word to all peoples across the world, particularly in areas where access to the Scriptures is difficult or near-impossible.  Bishop Julian reminded us of the story of Mary Jones, who at the age of 15 walked 26 miles barefoot to purchase a Welsh Bible because she did not have one.

At the end of the service, there was an opportunity for clergy and laity from across the three deaneries, and beyond, to share fellowship over tea and cakes.