Update on COVID-19

From_the_Vicar News_about_our_building Notices

Following the Prime Minister's announcement on Monday evening restricting movement, and closing church buildings, we have had to explore creative ways of continuing our regular round of worship.  In order to do this, Fr David has converted a room in the Vicarage to serve as a temporary chapel, where he can say the offices and celebrate the Mass daily on behalf of the parish.  Whilst he will be celebrating those services alone, parishioners (and others) are welcome to join him online, as the Masses will now all be live-streamed to Facebook and YouTube.

In addition, we will experiment this coming Sunday with a 10.30 am service by Zoom, to which all are invited to join in.  Watch this page for details of the link to enable you to take part.  We will continue to circulate prayer resources via email to those who would like to receive them.  If you are not already receiving this weekly email, and would like to, please make a request by emailing [email protected].

These are, of course, challenging times, and it is necessary for us all to pull together, to offer prayer and support for each other, and particularly those who are vulnerable.  If you would like a chat, please don't hesitate to be in touch with Fr David direct on 01257 474025, or by email: [email protected].  Could we ask all parishioners to be particularly attentive to the needs of those around them, and to be proactive in picking up the phone, in order to share something of the love of God, even in this most difficult of situations.