St Paul's response to COVID-19

20200320_Pastoral_Letter_re_Coronavirus.pdf Download
Church_news News_about_our_building Notices

The usual services have been suspended, but St Paul's continues its round of prayer and worship.  A Sunday Mass will be available on our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel from 8.00 am on Sunday morning.  Church will be open during the day for private prayer.  Please feel free to come in, but do ensure your hands are washed and that you observe the social distancing, keeping 2m (6ft) away from others.

There are some prayer resources at the back of Church, please use them, but please take them home with you: do not return them to the pile.

In addition, please click the following links for prayer resources for use at home, based on this Sunday's Gospel readings.

Worship at Home

All Age Worship at Home (particularly suitable for children and young people)

These resources are also available on the weekly email.  If you are not on that list, and would like to be included, please send a message to [email protected]