Coronavirus Precautions

This week, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have issued a letter to all clergy giving guidance on how our practice at services needs to change. Here at St Paul’s we will be following that advice. Specifically, it means the following:

At the Peace there will be no invitation to share the Peace with each other. Those who would like to greet others with a sign of peace should do so with no physical contact. That means we need to find alternative ways, perhaps a wave or a nod of the head, or to use BSL

At Communion, only the Host will be administered to the Congregation. Please be assured that it is the teaching of the Church that we receive the fullness of the Sacrament in either species, and there is nothing lacking in receiving in only one kind. In addition, we are advised that coming to the Altar Rail is a potential risk, and so the 8.00 am congregation will receive Communion standing for the time being (as is already the practice at other masses)

Other precautions include the removal of Holy Water from the stoups by the doors, and single-use Orders of Service rather than hymn books and Mass cards. 

The overwhelming advice, though, is to ensure that we wash hands with soap and water regularly. To that end, please let someone know if the soap or paper towels have run out. 

Further information and guidance is available on the Diocesan Website and the Church of England Website. We will keep you informed about any further implications this guidance has for us here at St Paul’s. 

We continue to keep all those affected by this outbreak in our prayers at this time.