Choir Practice

Every Friday at for 1 hour
St Matthew The Apostle with Holy Trinity
St Matthew the Apostle with Holy Trinity Church, Harriet Street, Burnley,, BB11 4JH, United Kingdom

A time for our choir to get together and rehearse

Mothering Sunday

for 2 hours, 30 mins
St Matthew The Apostle with Holy Trinity
St Matthew the Apostle with Holy Trinity Church, Harriet Street, Burnley,, BB11 4JH, United Kingdom

9 am Parish Eucharist with distribution of flowers
10.30am Family & Parade Service with distribution of flowers

Sunday Said Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
St Matthew The Apostle with Holy Trinity
St Matthew the Apostle with Holy Trinity Church, Harriet Street, Burnley,, BB11 4JH, United Kingdom

A service of Holy Communion with a sermon

JAFFA (Jesus A Friend For All) Club

Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 40 mins
St Matthew The Apostle with Holy Trinity
St Matthew the Apostle with Holy Trinity Church, Harriet Street, Burnley,, BB11 4JH, United Kingdom

JAFFA Club runs term time each Sunday during the 10.30am service except on the first Sunday of each month. It is aimed at children aged 4 years plus and we have a great group of both adults and young leaders, who plan and deliver meaningful sessions using the Blackburn Diocese educational resources. The leaders have varied skills and attributes, which means that the children are able to experience an array of fun activities including games, Bible stories, crafting, singing, and prayers, and not forgetting, biscuits and chocolates whilst all the time learning about God and Jesus's love for all of us. We always welcome new children of primary school age. Please speak to Rev Kat or one of the leaders for more information and spread the word.

JAFFA Club, featured with games and crafts, will run throughout summer.

Parish Eucharist

Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Matthew The Apostle with Holy Trinity
St Matthew the Apostle with Holy Trinity Church, Harriet Street, Burnley,, BB11 4JH, United Kingdom

Main Sunday service with a sermon, holy communion and hymns

Fun Church

Every Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Matthew The Apostle with Holy Trinity
St Matthew the Apostle with Holy Trinity Church, Harriet Street, Burnley,, BB11 4JH, United Kingdom

Fun Church runs every Monday in school term time from 3.30 - 5pm and is aimed at families. Every week we have crafts and games, prayer and songs and lots of food. All are welcome!

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Said Eucharist (Tuesday)

Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
St Matthew The Apostle with Holy Trinity
St Matthew the Apostle with Holy Trinity Church, Harriet Street, Burnley,, BB11 4JH, United Kingdom

Said service of about half an hour in the St Paul Chapel

St Matthew’s Youth Choir

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour
St Matthew The Apostle with Holy Trinity
St Matthew the Apostle with Holy Trinity Church, Harriet Street, Burnley,, BB11 4JH, United Kingdom

An informal choir run by experienced music teacher Helen Davis for young people in school years 6-11 on Tuesday late afternoon during school term in the Church Hall

The choir sings both religious and contemporary pieces. The sessions are informal and enjoyable. No previous musical experience or knowledge is required.
There are free drinks and snacks.
Free of charge. Do join us!
Please enter from Albion Street.

Stations of the Cross

Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
St Matthew The Apostle with Holy Trinity
St Matthew the Apostle with Holy Trinity Church, Harriet Street, Burnley,, BB11 4JH, United Kingdom

A special event during Lent on Tuesday evenings -11th & 25th March, 1st, 8th & 15th April in church

Lent Course on Prayer

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Matthew The Apostle with Holy Trinity
St Matthew the Apostle with Holy Trinity Church, Harriet Street, Burnley,, BB11 4JH, United Kingdom

The course is about prayer with resources developed by Bishop Philip North, the Bishop of Blackburn. It will be held in Church Hall.

7.15pm-7.30pm welcome and drinks
7.30pm-8.30pm Lent Course session on the topic of Prayer

Wednesday Morning Group

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Matthew The Apostle with Holy Trinity
St Matthew the Apostle with Holy Trinity Church, Harriet Street, Burnley,, BB11 4JH, United Kingdom

Our Wednesday morning discussion group usually starts off with a brew and a chat. We then will have a video clip or or icebreaker question, after which we read a story or some verses in the Bible, followed with an informal discussion, a brew (yes another one!), prayer, crafting or reflections.

Join us in the Church Hall 9.15am-10.45am every Wednesday during school term time. ALL are welcome!

Lunch Club

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Matthew The Apostle with Holy Trinity
St Matthew the Apostle with Holy Trinity Church, Harriet Street, Burnley,, BB11 4JH, United Kingdom

Are you fed up with cooking and/or eating alone? Do you fancy a homemade hot meal with a brew? Do come and join! Wednesday Lunch is more than a meal but a lovely time of fellowship and joy.

Parish Prayers: Weekly Prayer Meeting

Every Wednesday at for 20 mins
St Matthew The Apostle with Holy Trinity
St Matthew the Apostle with Holy Trinity Church, Harriet Street, Burnley,, BB11 4JH, United Kingdom

You’re invited to come together to pray for our church and community. This year we’re considering how we can pray with greater urgency and expectancy. A weekly prayer meeting will begin on Wednesday 8th January 1.30-1.50pm and continue every Wednesday afterwards. You don’t need to be an expert in prayer to come along, simply turn up and a member of clergy or an Authorised Lay Minister will lead the prayers. This will take place in the Lady Chapel, access via the door to the right of the noticeboard on the St Matthew’s Street wall of church.

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Toddler Group

Every First, Second, Third, Fifth Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Matthew’s Church Hall
St Matthew’s Church Hall, Albion Street, BB11 4JG, United Kingdom

Our church toddler group runs every Thursday during school term time. It is free to attend (although donations are gratefully received) and is open to children from birth to school age. All children must be accompanied by a parent or carer. Please do give our friendly group a try as there are lots of new activities for the sessions this half term, and we would love to welcome new people.

Said Eucharist (Friday)

Every First, Second, Third, Fifth Friday at for 30 mins
St Matthew The Apostle with Holy Trinity
St Matthew the Apostle with Holy Trinity Church, Harriet Street, Burnley,, BB11 4JH, United Kingdom

Said Eucharist in modern Language with a slightly more traditional emphasis in the Lady Chapel for about half an hour

Family Service

Every First Sunday at for 30 mins
St Matthew The Apostle with Holy Trinity
St Matthew the Apostle with Holy Trinity Church, Harriet Street, Burnley,, BB11 4JH, United Kingdom

A service on the first Sunday of the month with younger people in mind lasting about half an hour

Please note there will be no Family & Parade Service on the 6th April as it has been moved to 30th March for Mothering Sunday.


Every First Sunday at for 45 mins
St Matthew The Apostle with Holy Trinity
St Matthew the Apostle with Holy Trinity Church, Harriet Street, Burnley,, BB11 4JH, United Kingdom

Reflective service of readings and hymns