Tea and Toast Thursdays

Every Thursday at for 30 mins
St Andrew's Church with St Margret's and St James's Burnley.
Colne Road Burnley Manchester, BB10 1DU, United Kingdom

At 10.00am each Thursday, we welcome people to come for tea and toast in our lovely church hall. It's a great way to meet new people, chat and enjoy a good brew with delicious chunky toast and a range of home-made jams and marmalades. We have Mass at 9.30am in the church but you don't have to have been to Mass to come along and join us.

Stay and Play

Every Monday and Friday at for 2 hours
St Andrew's Church with St Margret's and St James's Burnley.
Colne Road Burnley Manchester, BB10 1DU, United Kingdom

Parents and children can meet in our beautiful church hall to 'Stay and Play'! The adults can have a cuppa, some toast and chat to other parents whilst the children are free to play with lots of toys indoors and outside in our children's play area and Fairy Garden. We provide only healthy snacks as OFSTED would require for children and we end with singing nursery rhymes. It's a real fun-packed two hours which is proving to be very popular. There is a small charge of £1.50 to help cover our costs. NOT OPEN BANK HOLIDAYS.

Sunday Parish Mass (Missa Cantata) with Sermon

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Andrew's Church with St Margret's and St James's Burnley.
Colne Road Burnley Manchester, BB10 1DU, United Kingdom

Sung Parish Mass every other week with Choir and Organ, otherwise it's a said Mass with pre-recorded music.

Also Daily Mass

Christmas Worship

Sunday 22 December 2024 at for 1 hour
St Andrew's Church with St Margret's and St James's Burnley.
Colne Road Burnley Manchester, BB10 1DU, United Kingdom

Sunday 22nd December Sunday Mass 10.00am
Sunday 22nd December 4.30 Christingle & Carols
Christmas Eve. 4.00pm Family Christmas Mass and Carols.
Christmas Day 10.00am Parish Mass
Thursday 26th 9.00am Mass.

Christmas services