Food Club

Every Saturday at for 1 hour
Ash Grove Shops
Ash Grove Shops, Ash Grove Darwen, BB3 3AH

We are open every Saturday morning at Ash Grove Shops for anyone who needs a little extra help. Come along to see some friendly faces and collect some food to keep you going for a few days. We ask for a small donation of £2 to help cover some of our costs, but the food you receive will be worth much more than this.

We welcome donations too. These can be dropped off whilst we are open on a Saturday morning. We accept long life food (e.g. tins and packets) and financial donations.

We are grateful for support from New Ground, Awards for All, local churches, community organisations and many individuals.

Family Service

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
St James Church, Over Darwen
Chapels Over Darwen, BB3 0EW, United Kingdom

We meet every Sunday to explore the Bible together, sing and pray. This is a relaxed service for the whole family. On the first Sunday of the month we celebrate Holy Communion. All ages attend and remain in the service together.

Communion Service

Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
St James Church, Over Darwen
Chapels Over Darwen, BB3 0EW, United Kingdom

A quiet and reflective service of Holy Communion. After the service a simple soup lunch is served and all are welcome to stay.


Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
St James Church, Over Darwen
Chapels Over Darwen, BB3 0EW, United Kingdom

Every Tuesday evening for girls aged 4-7.

Term time only


Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
St James Church, Over Darwen
Chapels Over Darwen, BB3 0EW, United Kingdom

Each week for girls aged 7-10.

Term time only

Minecraft Church

Every Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St James Church, Over Darwen
Chapels Over Darwen, BB3 0EW, United Kingdom

A for all the family church for those Minecraft mad (and those who have to put up with them!) We use tablets and laptops to create our worship together in a shared Minecraft World. For non-gamers, we have art, craft, lego and stop-motion video to join in with. We have a special communion service every so often where we make our own bread to bread and share.

Come and join our friendly community. Every other Thursday - message for exact details!

Fortnightly on a slightly irregular schedule during term time. Ask for details!