About Us
St Aidan's, Mill Hill was financed by the people of Mill Hill during the very difficult years of the late 1920s and early 30s, each of them striving to save their pennies 'to buy bricks'. When completed it was consecrated on the 24th September 1932. St Aidan's has recently been upgraded and modernised inside and out which has made it disabled / user friendly. Our church feels very warm and welcoming as soon as you walk through its doors, as also are its people. We all come together to worship in this beautiful holy place and to praise and thank God in many varied ways, and we enjoy doing so.
The population of our parish is approximately 2,500 and we have around 46+ adults and 5-10 under 16s at our main Sunday services.
We are a forward thinking Church always looking for new and inspiring ways to attract new people and families with young children to come and share what we have.
Our Mission Statement is "We St Aidan's Church, seek to worship God in our daily lives by spreading the Good News of His love to all people". We aim to do this by being warm, friendly, outward looking and worshipful people.
You will be made very welcome at any of the services or event.