for 3 hours
Venue Address
St Luke's Church Stansfeld Street Blackburn, BB2 1TA, United Kingdom
Who doesn't want an evening in Blackpool with worship, a chippy tea, quiz and a walking tour of the Illuminations? We're joining with our friends at Beacon church Blackpool and Antioch Church Network in Manchester for an evening service before having some food and heading out to the lights.

Date and Time: 27th October, 4pm.
Where: Service is at Blackpool Church, FY1 1BP.
Best place to park: Caunce Street Car Park FY1 3DR.
Need a lift? Be at St Luke's at 2.45pm

St Luke's Church Blackburn

We are a family on a mission to Love God, Love each other and Love God’s world.

Bold and beautiful things often begin in small ways. Welcome to our page where you can find out more about St Luke’s and how to join the adventure of a lifetime…. and then some.  

Meeting every Sunday at 11am.

Come and join!

Get in touch

Rev Jason Gardner

St Luke's Church
Bank Top

Jason Gardner - Vicar
Andy Foot - Operations Manager

Our website

What's on

Illuminate (Joint service in Blackpool)

for 3 hours
St Luke's Church Blackburn
St Luke's Church Stansfeld Street Blackburn, BB2 1TA, United Kingdom

Who doesn't want an evening in Blackpool with worship, a chippy tea, quiz and a walking tour of the Illuminations? We're joining with our friends at Beacon church Blackpool and Antioch Church Network in Manchester for an evening service before having some food and heading out to the lights.

Date and Time: 27th October, 4pm.
Where: Service is at Blackpool Church, FY1 1BP.
Best place to park: Caunce Street Car Park FY1 3DR.
Need a lift? Be at St Luke's at 2.45pm

St Luke's Church Blackburn Charity No. 1138954