God is good all the time – All the time, God is good HAVE UNLIMITED TRUST IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD Dear All, This is my goodbye letter with thanks to the members and leadership of the United Benefice of St Stephen with St James, Blackburn. The beautiful words from one of my favourite hymns, continue to affirm that ‘We are pilgrims on a journey, fellow travellers on the road.’ I thank God for my journey with you for the last five years. I am moving on to my new assignment with a sense of fulfilment at the parish level as well at Diocesan level. I will continue to keep you in my daily prayers at Leicester Cathedral, where I will work as a Canon Missioner. I will be licensed as a Canon Missioner on 22nd September at 3.30 pm. My last Sunday with you as your Vicar will be Sunday, the 1st of September. My work with you and in the Diocese has helped to equip me for this new assignment. Thank you for your love, support, encouragement and understanding. Please continue to keep me in your prayers. I am aware that you will soon be undergoing an interregnum, which could be quite challenging. However, interregnum may also help you to build a future vision for the Benefice. We may have many questions, plans or points of view and sometimes, it may cause anxiety to continue your Presence and Engagement in Blackburn. I will reassure you all to look at this beautiful text from Proverbs 3:5-6 encouraging every believer to, ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.’ As a Benefice, Psalm 23 is our go-to psalm for this year. It reminds us of God’s goodness, mercy, protection, and guidance in every situation we face as the Body of Christ. It is so important for us to acknowledge God’s plans, which are not human plans, and God’s wisdom, which is beyond human wisdom and understanding; we need to have unlimited trust in the Almighty God. It is my prayer that, may, Risen Christ, faithful shepherd of your Father’s sheep: teach us to hear your voice and to follow your command, that all your people may be gathered into one flock, to the glory of God the Father. Amen Once again, thank you for your prayers, support and encouragement. I am forever grateful. Your loving Vicar Sarah Gill
“Dear Friends, I say friends as a reflection of the generosity of your welcome and support to me as Curate for which I’m so grateful and humbled. To be part of the rich history of both churches, seeing how the Gospel is being lived out and looking to the future is a privilege and a pleasure. I’m sat reflecting on this in the chapel at Whalley Abbey as I prepare for my ordination as Priest, a place where for centuries people have gathered in worship and prayer, then stepping out into the wider world to tell people about the good news of the Gospel. Over the centuries this sacred place has seen many changes and challenges yet in the ruins of the Abbey, God’s living presence is felt, a God who is alive, whose son Jesus calls us to be the church. In Peter’s first letter he calls us all to be “living stones”. As followers of Christ we are each called to be the stones on which the church is founded with Jesus as the cornerstone that holds us together. Now, I really like Peter, he’s got a remarkable gift for getting things right and at the same time a remarkable gift for getting things wrong - but always striving to serve Jesus. I can see a bit of myself in him to be honest though I’ll let you be the judges of the ratio of “getting things right to getting things wrong”! As I approach ordination as priest perhaps I’m at last “coming home” to that place where I am called to be. What I do know is that serving in our parishes continues to be a great joy and pleasure and I look forward in prayerful anticipation to the years ahead. Yours with love and every blessing, Peter”
Following a competition to design a logo for the 150 Years Anniversary in June 2024, the winning logo has been revealed and children presented with a prize for entering the competition.The logo will feature on promotional material and commemorative merchandise throughout the year. Well done Zainab.