Facilities and features
A toilet suitable for use by a disabled person is available in the reception area of the church. A toilet is also available in the vestry however this needs to be accessed via 2 steep steps.
A baby changing mat and facilities are available in the reception area toilet for use.
Immanuel Car park is adjacent to the church and Parish Office
A toilet suitable for use by a disabled person is available in the reception area of the church.
Disabled car parking spaces are allocated on the parish car park.
There are no steps to enter Immanuel church
We are a Dementia friendly church
The majority of the Church is easily accessible for wheelchair users. There are however steps to the belfry and the chancel.
Our Building
The church is open every Tuesday and Sunday for quiet reflection and prayer.
Our stained glass windows are very beautiful and vary in the stories they tell. The list below explains a description of some of them:-
West Window
( ringing room) The Ascension In thanksgiving to Almighty God. This window is given by the family in memory of our parents William Henry and Mary Rishton and our Grandparents James and Jane Rishton, John and \Ann |Duckworth.” Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God”
North Hall ( Naïve) St Cuthbert Top- St Cuthbert A.D.687
Bottom- A.M.D.G. John Beckett A.D. 1913 ?1913
North Transept
(Bottom)-to the Glory of God and to commemorate the /completion of Queen Victorias 60 years reign/this window is erected by parishioners of/ Oswaldtwistle and friends June 22nd 1897 22 06 1897
North Transept
( Right) Archangel Michael (In scroll)- egosvm Michael/archangelus dux/caelestis exercitus.
(Bottom)-to the glory of \god in memory of Thomas Simpson/sometime of Foxhill Bank in this Parish/ born August 15th 1796, died January 31st 1875/and of Ellen his wife , born November 7th 1818/died December 1st 1892, dedicated by their children. 22 06 1897
North Wall
( Sanctuary) Simeon (Top)- Lord lettest thou thy Servant depart in peace.
( Bottom)- To the Glory of God and in memory of the / Rev. Boulby Haslewood B.A. Vicar of this Parish/ From 1857-1897. This window is erected by/ his wife and children. 22 06 1897
East Window
( Left) 22 06 1897
East Window
( Centre) 22 06 1897
East Window
( Right) 22 06 1897
South Transept
( Left) 22 06 1897
South Transept
( Right) 22 06 1897
Side chapel
East wall 3 22 06 1897
South Wall 3 22 06 1897
Immanuel is a Grade II listed building
Music and Worship
We have an active group of bell ringers who meet every Thursday evening to practice. If you are interested in ringing the bells please use the form on the contact page to get in touch with us.
The Church hosts concerts form within and also outside of the Parish. It is a lrge church and can seat up to 25o people in the pews for larger events.
We have staging which can be used by request.
The Three manual pipe organs original maker was Nicholson of Rochdale, 1847 and its original site was in the West Gallery.
It was removed to the North side of the chancel in 1867 ( when the chancel and transcripts were built)
It was rebuilt and the choir organ was added in 1911
It was once again rebuilt and 3 new stops added and electric blowing installed by Ainscough, Preston 1931.
The Trumpet stop is the only part of the original 1847 organ still in use.
The organ still plays an integral part in the worship at Immanuel. The current Musical Director is Mr Paul Topping
Our parish has recently formed a 'one parish choir'(OPC) which combines singers from all 3 churches for services every 2 months to support the music and worship in the combined services. The Immanuel element of the OPC choir practices every Thursday evening at 7:30pm in Immanuel church.
Groups, Courses and Activities
Help for Visitors
The church is currently open each Tuesday and Sunday
Other Features
Immanuel church is a donation point for Oswaldtwistle foodbank
The Parish Hall can be hired for private functions. Please contact Michelle for more details 07716381293