We'd love to hear from you

St Peter's celebrated its 125th anniversary in 2018.  Originally part of St James' parish, St Peter's became independent in 1893 when the town itself was changing rapidly, and it soon developed a character of its own.  There was a serious fire in 1988, after which the building was remodelled and enlarged, and the church now continues to have an active and lively role in the local community.  Adjacent to the church itself is large, flexible community centre, also run by St Peter's, which is available for hire and has many regular groups and one-off activities going on in it each week (t. 07704720390).

First and foremost, our work is to worship the God who showed himself above all to us in Jesus Christ.  We share that work along with anyone who wants to join in, in all the different circumstances of our lives.  Our church holds a "Child Friendly" church award, and we are also listed officially in the national "Places of Welcome" scheme.  But we try hard to be open to everyone; we are fellow humans, exploring together what it means to be made and loved by God. 

Send us a message

If your message is about safeguarding, please contact the safeguarding team for your area, rather than completing this form.

Say "hello"

Reverend Judith Balkwell

Parish Office
St Peter's Community Centre,

Associate Priest
01706 223652
Community Centre Bookings