Room Hire | Baxenden St John ChurchPlease see the above link if you wish to hire all or part of our building. Please note the cellar is currently unavailable.
John Massey is our Parish Safeguarding Officer. He can be contacted on <span style="font-size: 1rem;">07516 050 344 or </span>baxendenstjohns.safeguarding@<wbr> Please see attached for the current policy.
Prayer is an important part of our faith and worship.Jesus prayed for his disciples, the world and continues to pray for us. As Christians we are called to pray; to praise God and thank him; to ask him for things; to spend time with him, like we would a friend; and to be real, to tell him how we are feeling, to not pretend. There are times when prayer is easy and other times when we aren't sure if God is listening or there at all.We are looking for people to lead the prayers in church on a rota. Don't worry if you have never done it before. We can provide training, support and help.Use the get in touch button if you are willing to help or would like more information.
At the PCC meeting on Thursday 4th March 2021 Ian Rushton was formally appointed as the new PCC secretary. Thank you to Ian for agreeing to take this on.He can be contacted on for all PCC matters.