New Electoral Roll The Electoral Roll is the register of church members who are eligible to be a Churchwarden, stand for PCC and have a vote at the Annual Meeting. You must either be resident in the Parish or have attended worship for at least six months. Every six years a completely new Roll is required. This means that ALL those previously on the Electoral Roll must reapply. New members can be added. The PCC will take reasonable steps to notify those on the existing roll advising that a new role is being drawn up. Paper forms will be available in both churches. Alternatively, forms can be completed electronically, and an electronic signature is permitted. A form is attached. Forms must be received by 25th April 2025. Any names received after this date cannot be added till after the Annual Meeting which takes place on 18th May 2025. Please return completed paper forms to either Kath Jones or Patricia Wilkinson. Please don’t leave completed forms in church unless they are in a clearly marked envelope. Or email forms to This address can also be used to request forms.
On 3rd June 2024 Allison Worrell was licensed to JohnPaul Parish as LLM (Church Army Evangelist). The service was led by Bishop Philip and followed by tea and cakes.Thank you to everyone who came along to support Allison, including her Church Army Colleagues.
As you may be aware the church in Baxenden is facing a large bill (£300,000) for repairs to the tower/steeple.Contrary to rumour the church is still very much open. The entrance has been certified safe by a structural engineer. All activities are carrying on as normal.
Update: Amanda was fully licensed as Vicar of Baxenden St John and Accrington St Paul on 1st May 2022On Monday 29th November 2021 Rev Amanda Marshall was licensed as Priest in Charge of Baxenden St John and Curate in Charge of Accrington St Paul, by the Bishop of Blackburn This is for legal reasons.<span style="font-size: 1rem;">For all practical purposes Amanda is the Vicar of the joint Parish. and will be formally appointed as such once the legal processes have been completed; hopefully in March.</span>