New Worship Pattern for the United Benefice


Daily mass is at the heart of our Benefice, sustaining us in word and sacrament as we go about our daily lives. In order to offer opportunities for more people to be present at these celebrations, we have made some changes to the weekday pattern, in particular introducing a second evening mass, to allow those who work during the day to have the opportunity to worship with us. The new pattern, including Sunday, is as follows:


8.00 am: Said Mass at St Mary Magdalen's (except 2nd Sunday)

9.30 am: Family Eucharist at St Andrew's

11.00: Solemn Mass at St Mary Magdalen's (2nd Sunday: Family Celebration Mass)

The Family Celebration Mass is aimed particularly at families, and includes crafts, prayer activities, and food.


Mondays in term time: School Mass at St Mary Magdalen's at 1.15 pm

Tuesdays: Sung Mass at St Peter's at 6.00 pm

Wednesdays: Eucharist at St Andrew's at 10.00 am

Thursdays: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 5.30 pm, followed by Mass at 6.00 pm at St Mary Magdalen's

Fridays: Mass at St Mary Magdalen's at 10.00 am

Morning and Evening Prayer are normally said on weekdays as follows:

Morning Prayer at 8.00 am at St Mary Magdalen's

Evening Prayer at 5.00 pm at St Andrew's

Youth Church at St Christopher's

This takes place each 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesday during term time at St Christopher's School, Queen's Road West at 3.45 pm. The Youth Church is led predominantly by young people from St Christopher's School, but a warm welcome awaits anyone who wishes to join us. The First Wednesday of the month is always a celebration of the Eucharist.

Friday Praise:

This takes place on alternate Friday afternoons during term time at St Nicholas' School, Dill Hall Lane with refreshments from 3.05 pm (worship beginning at 3.25 pm). All are most welcome to join us. Please see the posts for further details of dates.