Fr Jordan celebrates Mass for the First time


On Monday evening, Fr Jordan gathered together with a congregation of around 60 to celebrate mass for the first time, in St Andrew's Church.  The mass was a votive mass of the Holy Spirit, giving thanks for the gift of the Holy Spirit imparted upon him at his ordination the evening before. Fr David preached, noting Fr Jordan's courage in inviting his Training Incumbent to preach, particularly considering he was his DDO as he went through the selection process.

Fr Jordan was encouraged in the sermon to continue to place his trust in the Holy Spirit each and every time he approaches the altar to celebrate mass, and whenever he administers any of the sacraments of the New Covenant, whether baptising, administering the Sacrament of the Sick, celebrating Holy Matrimony, or reconciling penitents when they seek absolution in Confession.

He continued in the mass celebrating with confidence, and using his skills as a musician in singing the Eucharistic Prayer. The highlight of the evening was when, after censing the Image of Our Lady, and presenting flowers, he then presented his own mother with the maniturgium (the linen cloth used to bind his hands the night before after they had been anointed), and a bunch of flowers, followed by the presentation of flowers to his wife Becky.  There was hardly a dry eye in the church at that point!

Fr Jordan concluded the mass with the general blessing, before imparting individual blessings to anyone who wished, and a large queue soon formed to receive this grace from the newly ordained priest.

Fr Jordan looks forward this week to celebrating his first mass of Our Lady, on Tuesday evening at St Peter's at 7.00 pm, and then his first Requiem mass on Wednesday at St Peter's at 9.30 am.  He will be celebrating the three main masses on Sunday (9.30 am at St Andrew's, 11.00 am at St Mary Magdalen's and 2.00 pm at St Peter's).