Opening for private prayer

We hope that this message finds you in good health and coping with the challenges of life at the moment.

As you are probably aware, churches have been given permission to open their doors from 13 June. Please bear in mind that this is for private prayer only.

The PCC have been considering the implications of this. It is essential that we make decisions which are possible and safe for all concerned.

This is what we have decided to do:-

St Mary Magdalen’s church will be open on Sunday 21 June and every following Sunday from 10.30am to 12noon. We must stress that this will be for individual prayer only. This is an opportunity for us to be in God’s house and have a talk with Him, not with anybody else! That should be done outside, at a safe distance!

We shall take the necessary precautions:-

1. Entry by the main door only

2. A one way system of entry and exit

3. Hand sanitisers for use on entry and exit

4. Designated pews (places 2m apart – this may change as regulations change) in the nave only. The Lady Chapel and Chancel will not be available

5. No books/sheets will be available. By all means bring your own Bible, Prayer Book etc.

6. No access to downstairs – no toilet facilities

It is regrettable that we cannot just fling wide the church doors and invite everybody in for a service. But we trust that, with God’s help, we shall eventually be able to do so. For the time being, we are limited by circumstances and we must follow Government/Diocesan advice. We are trying to strike a balance between health issues and a desire to worship God in His house as a congregation. But, wherever we are, we are God’s family and He is with us.

Let us rejoice and be glad in Him!

Churchwardens and PCC members