The Annunciation and APCM 2024.pdf

Following the establishment of the Parish of the Good Shepherd, there will be a Special Parochial Church Meeting on Monday 8 April, following Mass for the Annunciation at 7.00 pm at St Mary Magdalen's Church.

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar

Fr David and Fr Jordan joined the annual Stations of the Cross walk at the Coppice on Good Friday, 29 March, when around 250 people bore witness to the sacrifice of Calvary as we reflected on Jesus' Passion and death.

Lent Easter Church_news Community_news
Triduum 2024.pdf

The Parish of the Good Shepherd looks forward to celebrating the Great Easter Triduum (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and The Easter Vigil) across both churches in the parish this year.

Lent Easter Church_news

On the evening of Palm Sunday, 24 March, Bishop Philip gathered with clergy from across the diocese to celebrate the Chrism Mass, where priests renewed their Ordination Promises, and the Holy Oils were blessed.
