Family Celebration Mass marks Lent at St Mary Magdalen's

Lent Church_news

We gathered for worship with family-friendly music, and a relaxed atmosphere. The Liturgy of the Word focussed on the Gospel reading for the Third Sunday of Lent, the Samaritan Woman at the Well, with a brief homily reflecting on the value of water, particularly when we are thirsty, and the fact that Jesus gives us living water, and that this living water is a gift for everyone, even for those who might think they are not worthy.

Our prayer activities, in addition to the usual puzzles and crosswords, included an opportunity to prepare Mothering Sunday greetings ready for the following week, together with a booklet with the fourteen Stations of the Cross, and 'Lent in a Bag', to encourage us to continue our devotion at home.

We regrouped at the altar for the Liturgy of the Sacrament, with more family friendly worship music, and the opportunity to encounter Jesus as we celebrated mass together. The worship was followed by a hot meal of Curry and Rice, which was enjoyed by all, both for the physical nourishment it offered, but also because it gave the perfect opportunity for conversation and fellowship.

Family Celebration Masses are celebrated on the second Sunday of the month, and are open to all. The next one will be on Easter Sunday, 9 April, at 11.00 am, when we will celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus! Make a note in your diaries; it will be great to see you there!