Worship for w/c 5 February 2023

Worship this Sunday:

8.00 am: Said Mass at St Mary Magdalen’s

9.30 am: Family Candlemas Eucharist at St Andrew’s

11.00 am: Solemn Mass at St Mary Magdalen's

Worship this week:

Mon 6th Feb : School Mass at St Mary Magdalen’s at 1.15pm

Tue 7th Feb : Sung Mass at St Peter's at 6.00pm

Wed 8th Feb : Mass at St Andrew’s at 10.00am

Thurs 9th Feb : Exposition at St Mary Magdalen’s at 5.30pm

Mass at St Mary Magdalen’s at 7.00 pm

Fri 10th Feb: Mass at St Mary Magdalen’s at 10.00 am

Next Sunday — 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time:

9.30 am Family Candlemas Eucharist at St Andrew’s

11.00 am Family Celebration Mass at St Mary Magdalen's

Please note the new weekday Mass pattern across the benefice.