Remembrance Sunday is Commemorated across the Benefice

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As part of our worship this past weekend, the United Benefice, along with churches across the nations, kept Remembrance Sunday.  Each Church celebrated a Requiem Mass for those who have died as a result of war, and incorporated two minutes' silence as part of our worship. 

At St Andrew's, we made use of our new layout, in order to light candles of remembrance as part of the service, with the Remembrance display set up in the midst of the people.  It was moving to see the congregation all coming forward to light their candles and to take a moment to pause in reflection.

St Mary Magdalen's 11.00 am mass began with the two minutes' silence, and the laying of a wreath at the War Memorial in the Lady Chapel.  In addition, a book with information about all the names recorded on the memorial was placed on display, and will be available in church after masses throughout the coming week.  It was also great to be able to welcome members of St Mary Magdalen's Rainbows who presented their flags during the service.

At St Peter's the afternoon mass concluded with a procession to the War Memorial in the Churchyard, where the two minutes' silence was held, bearing witness to the local community of our commitment to working for the peace of the world.

It was a privilege to take part in all of these liturgies, and to enable our communities to engage in the important task of remembrance at this time of year.  May all those who have lost their lives in the cause of peace know the peace that only Christ can bring, and take their place prepared for them in the kingdom of almighty God.