The announcement was made on 9th June that the appointment of Rev’d Andrew Barton had been made. He will be licensed as ‘Assistant Curate’ (to be known as Priest in Charge) with special responsibility for the proposed benefice of West Tone comprising the parishes of All Saints’ Rockwell Green, Ashbrittle, Bathelton, Kittisford, Sampford Arundel, Stawley and Thorne St Margaret.Andrew is currently an Army Chaplain based at RNAS Yeovilton and will continue to live in his home at Langford Budville. We look forward to welcoming him to his licensing on Sunday 6th September.We hold Andrew and his wife, Sioned and our parishes in our prayers at this time of transition.Andrew says: ‘As I anticipate taking up this new role in the West Tone Benefice I find myself excited, humbled and hopeful. Sioned and I look forward to joining all who live, work and play in the Benefice, to see the blessings that God has in store for every person”.
After a lovely BRING & SHARE LUNCH the PCC Vice Chair, Tony Setter welcomed everyone. The following Officers were reelected to the PCC- Vice chair-Tony Setter. Secretary-Veronica Tatnall, Treasurer,- Alison Togood. Charlotte Pringle- Kosikowsky was re-elected to the PCC which also consists of Sheila Rabson, Melodie Lane, Jon Kimber and Jacquie Hockaday.Church Wardens Tony Setter and Sheila Rabson were re elected and Tony and Jon Kimber were elected as Deanery Synod representatives . Special thanks were given to Tony and Sheila for all their hard work along with thanks to Alison as Treasurer and Veronica as Secretary.The meeting was closed.
The Lang Room was filled with the sound of the cogwheels of many brains whirring away as teams tackled the quiz. The winners were Keyla’s 4-person team called “May contain nuts”.The winners scored 76% and the wooden spoon team scored 65% so it was a close-run competition with the lead changing hands many times. The food was enjoyed by all and there was plenty of it. There was a profit of £183 for church funds. Thanks are due to Jacquie Hockaday, Sheila Rabson and Alison Toogood for providing the food.