It’s been a wonderful time of celebration for the school, as they had three special events at church as well as taking part in the Christmas tree festival and many of the children also coming along with family to the Christingle on Christmas Eve.
Reception class, together with years 1 and 2, visited church first, for a short crib service just for them. They helped the school chaplain to retell the Christmas story and construct the knitted crib, sang some songs and helped with some prayers, and were led by Rev. Andy to think about presents: those they would like to receive but also those they would like to give. The display of Christmas trees for the festival made for a lovely atmosphere in the church.
The two services for Key Stage 1 and 2 were much larger events, any spaces not occupied by children being filled with parents, who are always excited to see what the children have been preparing for them. Each class presented something special; the carols were sung with enthusiasm, the readings could be heard clearly right at the back of the church, and both occasions were full of smiles. Parents appreciated the tea and coffee served at the back of church as they arrived, and Rev. Andy gave a thoughtful and entertaining message