Related Churches
St B's
St Bartholomew’s is beautiful in its simplicity and peaceful in its location on the edge of the village behind Oake Manor Golf Club.
A great deal of history sits within the 13th Century walls of St Bartholomew’s Church. In 1535 the monks from Taunton Priory ensured the preservation of a beautiful arched window from their derelict monastery by carrying it to St Bartholomew’s (though if you look carefully you will see that it was installed the wrong way round!)
This little sacred church and its grounds are well loved and cared for, respecting its historic traditions as well as embracing more informal group worship in its new meeting space in the south aisle.
St John the Baptist
The picturesque little 13th Century church of St John the Baptist lies just off the Taunton to Wiveliscombe road, from where its tower can be seen. A grass footpath runs across a flower strewn churchyard and on through the farmer’s field beyond. The church is a haven of peace and beauty, prayer and meditation. It is an enchanting venue for small weddings with seating for 75.
Our hope is to worship God, care for one another and make Jesus Christ known through example and daily living. There is always a warm welcome for visitors and newcomers, and Christians of all ages and persuasion are always welcome at the Lord’s table.
The church is now open for individual prayer during daylight hours.
The church is part of the Vale Churches Benefice.
To enquire about Baptisms, Weddings and Banns contact our administrator Sarah on [email protected]
To enquire about Funerals contact Rev Suzy Kirkham on 07867 601578 or [email protected]
St Luke's Church Centre
Welcome to St Luke's Church Centre.
St Luke's Church Centre was opened by the Bishop of Bath and Wells on October 21st 2018 as a Parish Centre of worship and a community Hub for the village of Cotford St. Luke. Located off Roger's Walk (behind the Co-op)
As well as being the home of the Church of England in Cotford St Luke, it provides community events like the monthly Local Produce and Craft Market (Second Saturday of the Month) and Saturday Breakfast (first Saturday in the Month)
St Luke’s Centre is a place of worship for the church, from which it seeks to serve and enhance the community. The Hub café is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 10am and 1.30pm, serving delicious cakes and light lunches and you are guaranteed a warm welcome by the team who volunteer in the Hub
The church is part of the Vale Churches Benefice
To enquire about Baptisms, Weddings and Banns contact our administrator Sarah on [email protected]
To enquire about Funerals contact Rev Suzy Kirkham on 07867 601578 or [email protected]
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