1. Safeguarding, and reporting concerns

Safeguarding refers to the range of plans and activities that are put in place to protect children and adults who may be vulnerable to abuse and neglect from being exploited or harmed.

Safeguarding in the church community – making our churches safe for children, young people and vulnerable adults – is everyone’s responsibility. The diocesan safeguarding team provide professional advice and training to parishes to ensure they can meet that responsibility, as well as support those who may have suffered abuse or exploitation in a church setting.

Everyone involved in church life should know what to do in situations where a child, young person or vulnerable adult may have been harmed. Each parish or benefice should have in place a safeguarding person who knows how to respond and where to seek further help and advice.

Anyone who wishes to report abuse or exploitation needs to know that they can do so and receive the support they need.

You can find the safeguarding team’s contact details are:

Glenys Armstrong, Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, Tel: 01749 685135

Helen Humphreys, Assistant Safeguarding Adviser, Tel: 01749 685103

Revd Canon Dr Graham Dodds, Bishops' Chaplain, Adviser and Office Manager, Tel: 01749 672341

We try to be available in the office Monday to Friday, but if we are out of the office please leave a message and we will contact you as soon as possible. Out of hours you can reach us on 07834 514842.

If you prefer you can email us or write to Safeguarding, Diocese of Bath and Wells, The Old Deanery, Wells BA5 2UP.

If you have a concern about the behaviour of a member of clergy, you can also contact the Chaplain and Adviser to the bishops, the Revd Dr Graham Dodds.


If you want to contact a confidential source of support that is independent of the Church, "STOP IT NOW" is an organisation set up to tackle child and vulnerable adult abuse, and provide support to victims. They can also help if you are worried about your own or someone else’s behaviour towards a child or vulnerable adult. https://www.stopitnow.org.uk/

